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    What If we were Animals?

    As it is known, we humans acquire our meats and beef from our local stores, however, we forget to ask ourselves the question, How did this get here? Farming has been an issue for our animals as…

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    The Animals Shadows

    Roaming off on their 4 legs into the spirit of the wind, their tongue hangs along the hairs of their chin as the smile of their intense white teeth brightens the shadow. The warmth and comfortability that circulates the air, they would never understand what its like to be in that shadow.  The shadow that hunts the kind who had no choice but  to sit with the one understanding of fleas, dirt, and gloom that sucks up the illuminating light of the sky to eat the wonders of the unknown and be left to view the world behind the steal bars of our hate to be taken from their first…